Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3 Days...

Well, the fact that you're reading this blog means that you're still supporting me in my quest to do the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer.  With your help, I raised over $1800 dollars (I'm at $1840) and I am beyond thrilled to be able to participate in this event. 

I've continued walking around Arlington (even walked home from work a few times) and am anxious to begin bright and early on Saturday morning.  Leo has been a trooper, ready to go on a walk at a moment's notice and I've been lucky to have him as protection on the streets (yeah, right!).  His basset hound nose suddenly started working (it's about time!) and he continues to search for snacks and other snack-like substances he can munch on while we stroll.  Yesterday morning he found a delightful hamburger bun behind a tall patch of grass.  That was his appetizer, I suppose, because later on he enjoyed some mulch, which he then proceeded to wash down with some tasty pebbles.  (Yum?)

Unfortunately Leo can't participate in the Walk, but he'll be cheering me on internally as I know many of you will be!  Below, you will see him wearing his "Luck of the Irish" hat that he wore on St. Patrick's Day weekend.  He'll probably have to wear it again to send some more luck to the AVON Walk participants! 
  • (By the way, if you are in the DC area, you can email me and I can provide you with a list of cheering spots along the route!)


I am anticipating some pretty intense and overwhelming feelings this weekend.  Just thinking about the event fills me with emotion.  As I mentioned in an earlier email, on May 2nd, 2005, I lost my Godmother, Aunt Pat, to this disease.  I know that she will be with me the whole way and guiding me towards the finish.  I am walking for her, for my Aunt Yo, for my friend's father and for the countless others who have been affected by this disease.  Here's to hoping the money raised this time around finds the cure.

Thank you for supporting me.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fundraising Goal Reached!! (and Other Exciting News)

Leo chews his ears. I don’t quite understand this and I’m not sure he knows exactly what he’s doing, either, but he still does it. Does it hurt? I have no idea - but probably not. He doesn’t howl in pain or cry crocodile tears… the action must be similar to fellow canines who chase their tails (something Leo also does in his spare time), but this lucky little guy has some additional appendages to chew. And he doesn’t even have to run in circles to catch them. What a treat.

Leo and I have been walking. We’ve been exploring new places in the area and revisiting old ones. We’ve been walking up hills, down hills, through busy sidewalks and across crazy intersections. My fancy pedometer has let me down, so it’s a true question as to how far we’ve actually been traveling. We’ve met many people, dogs and puppies on our travels (including another basset hound, finally!) and figured out that the water fountains in Crystal City are up and running and offer a nice place for Leo to get himself a drink. I don’t know how good of a mother I am letting Leo get so close to the edge, but if he falls in then I’ll be able to see if he enjoys taking a swim (something he’ll get to do when we visit NY this summer! Hey Peggy!) I also don’t know if he’s actually allowed to be swigging the water – the plaza says “Water Park,” but I don’t think it’s meant to be a Darien Lake water park knockoff, where the public can don swimsuits and lounge in inner tubes with a nice, cold one. I think it’s meant to be a park to enjoy visually. Well - I guess we’ll just have to see what the Arlington police say the next time they stop us!

Yes, the reason that I’ve been able to walk so much is that my fundraising goal is now complete! I’ve been able to take time off from blogging and sending emails and concentrate on gearing up and hitting the road. But, of course, my fundraising goal isn’t just complete, I raised (with your help) OVER my goal of $1,800. I’m at $1,815 and so excited that I will be walking in May. The actual walk is just 19 days away. We start bright and early on the 1st and travel throughout the day, 26 miles until we reach the tent area and then another 13 miles May 2nd. Friends and family can cheer us on from designated areas, but since I know many of you are in New England and New York, you can cheer me on from home! (And a little prayer won’t hurt, either!)

In other news, Leo and I have said a very sad goodbye to Lily and Teddy. I am no longer a zookeeper and I don’t think I will reopen the Arlington Zoo anytime soon. The decision to take Lily and Teddy to the shelter was not an easy one and I hope to never have to be in that situation again. (Sorry, Bubba – you’re stuck with me!) As of today (4/12) it looks like Lily was adopted from the shelter and Teddy is still in need of a forever home. I may have a big heart but I don’t have a big apartment (or unlimited funds) and so this decision was for the best. The apartment seems quiet and it’s odd to look at the dining room chairs and not see a big lump of fur snoozing away. It’s also sad to look at the windowsill and not see the cats relaxing in the sun or Teddy with his head in the water fountain, sound asleep. I miss hearing their purrs and waking up to a cat beside me in the middle of the night. I can only hope that their new families enjoy their company as much as I did.

For now, I have Leo to keep an eye on (actually, that should be EYES) because goodness knows he is quite the troublemaker. At the beginning of this blog, I filled you in on his weird ear chomping. He also enjoys snacking on the wood from the boxspring. And the “bitter apple” spray that is supposed to deter your pets from chewing household items? – well, Leo enjoys gnawing right on the bottle, too – Yum?

When Leo is not chewing hazardous or dangerous materials, he can be trusted alone for a few hours at a time. That’s right, Bubba Gump has been allowed to roam freely for a few hours when I’m not home. (Of course the bathroom and bedroom doors are shut, but still…) He’s been wonderful (not quite Lexi-status, though) and it’s nice to have a little greeter when I get home. Sometimes he’s allowed on the couch and the bed, although his 60 pounds do make him difficult to move…

We haven’t had any “stuffing in the poop” incidents – thankfully - but Leo is, sadly, not allowed to consume Milkbone brand products (use your imagination as to why…) and therefore gets to enjoy lighter and healthier options (carrots and vegetarian dog treats from Whole Foods). Frankly, he’d eat anything put in front of his face (including his monthly Heartgard medication). No need to slather the pill in peanut butter or roll it up in turkey. Straight up, please.

Well, those are my Virginia updates for now. I will continue to keep you posted on my training as Leo and I hit the roads and prepare for the AVON Walk. Thank you all, again, for your continued support and love. It means so much.