Friday, February 26, 2010

Yes, I talk to my dog.

I got caught talking to Leo the other day.  It's true.  We went out at about 6:45am and Leo proceeded to do his business.  I have attached the doggy bag holder to Leo's leash so that I'm always prepared to pick up a little poo, and that I did.

Well... as is generally the case, Leo's potty contents stank (stunk? 'smelled awful,' however you want to phrase it).  And I chose this opportunity to tell him so.  The conversation went as follows (is it still considered a conversation when the other party does not respond?!) -

Me: "Bubba... you made some stinky poop."
Leo:  No response.
Me:  "I don't understand.  What did you eat?" (as if I didn't know - dog food, probably some dropped cheez-its & most definitely cat food)
Leo:  Tail wags.
Me:  "You are a very handsome guy, but you made some yucky doodoos.  Why is your poop always so..." Oh, hello, neighbor!... 

... It was at this point, when we rounded the corner, that we ran into a guy - probably thinking he'd heard the voice of someone who was:

a) talking to another human
b) talking on the phone

Our usual morning banter begins as soon as I wake up and say good morning to the little guy.  As we walk towards the elevator, I always ask Leo how he slept.  Why?  I'm not sure.  He's not going to open his mouth and give me a complete play-by-play of his dreams or the comfort level of the towel in his crate.  I know how he slept.  He snores like an old man.  He tosses and turns and wakes up sometimes.  He's been known to "run" and bark a little, but usually he sleeps through the night. 

I also ask Leo other day-to-day questions like, "Why did I put this here?" or "What should we do?" as if he has the answer for me.  (It would be great if he did!) 

When I'm not asking questions, I tell Leo things that I feel like he should know, such as, "Puppies don't wear make-up," "Doggies don't eat paper towels," or "Please calm down.  You are being naughty." 

I realize it's very natural to talk to our animals. I just want to make sure I'm not crossing the border into Crazyville!

Thankfully (for Leo) I don't engage in baby talk.  I think my days of working in an early childhood program where baby talk was deemed inappropriate have aided in my ability to talk to Leo like a grown-up - which of course, is odd because he's not a grown-up.  Heck, he's not even a person.


I know you're all wondering how our training for the AVON Walk has been going.  Again, I have to say the weather has put a damper on any outdoor training.  While we don't have the snow everyone up North has (YAY!), it's still chilly - funny how fast I've turned into a wimp - and pretty windy. 

This is not to say that Leo and I don't walk - because we do!, we just haven't done any long distance walking in awhile.  Instead, we take our daily trips around the building and Pentagon Row.  We throw the tennis ball up and down the hallway and Leo continues to spend time terrorizing the cats and getting smacked in the face. 

I'm almost to my fundraising goal - 65 days left and I'm hoping I can gather the remaining funds to walk in May.  I'm also on the prowl for some new sneakers  - any suggestions?!  

Well - until next time!  Enjoy your weekend and enjoy all that snow up North!  I'm thinking of you all :)


To make an online donation, please visit:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday Updates

Well, it's been a week since my last posting and there hasn't been much news on the fundraising front to report.  I sent out some dog bandanas and Leo and I are hoping they made it to their final destination! 
Speaking of Leo, here's a picture of my little guy relaxing, something he doesn't do often!

Leo and I haven't been out too much.  The snow is melting, which is great, but Leo uses this as an opportunity to hydrate himself throughout our walks.  :(  He gets extremely dirty also, and throws a "doggy fit" when I try to wipe him off once we come inside.  His doggy fits are comparable to a temper tantrum thrown by your average toddler.  I say he's "throwing a fit" because he barks, jumps, runs all over and ends up tearing the wipes apart!  It's very amusing but highly irritating. 

We've gone for a few walks around the area, hitting up Pentagon Row and walking around the ice-rink.  A few times people have said, "It seems like he's smiling at us!"  I don't know how he does it, but Leo has a knack for reeling people in.  One time someone even interrupted their dinner and came out of a restaurant just to see him.  When the weather brightens up, let's see how he does generating funds with his skills!

Leo did get a new leash, one that I highly recommend for anyone with a dog or thinking about getting a dog who happens to be larger than your stuffed animal-size dog (aka Lexi, my Bichon Frise back in Skaneateles) and needs extra help on a walk.  They are conveniently called "Two Handle Leashes," with a handle in the normal spot and then one nearer to the dog's neck for additional control.  And, take it from someone who's tried harnesses, haltis, regular collars, etc... the two-handled leash coupled with the pinch collar works great!

Leash with Two Handles
It probably also helps to have a less stubborn dog (no offense to the basset hound breed). 

For those of you up North who are still experiencing winter at its finest, I'd like to recommend Bananagrams to pass the time spent indoors.  A nifty alternate to Scrabble, Bananagrams doesn't use a board and you play as an individual, rather than building off of other players' words.  (I can't take credit for this game, though.  I was introduced to it over family Christmas in NY by my cousin and her husband - thanks K & J, I'm addicted!)  I've also recently gotten hooked on Sudoku, which I thought had to do with being skilled in mathematics.  It doesn't.  So if you're looking to waste a little time, I recommend those puzzles as well! 
If you'd like to make an online donation, please visit my AVON Walk page at:

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fundraising News!

I am so thrilled to be able to create this post and let everyone know that I'm at more than 50% of my fundraising goal!  If you visit the site, you'll see that it shows a donation total of $995, but in reality it's at $1065, because of two offline donations I put in the mail yesterday!

Recently, I received donations from my Aunt Barbara in New Jersey, my Aunt Susie in Texas, my Aunt Helen & Uncle Andy in NH and my dad.  I've also been in contact with a few people who want some dog bandannas.  Thank you so much for your continued support!

I apologize for my lack of "blogging," but I returned to work on Friday after a really long commute into DC.  I waited for over an hour for the train but was one of the few who was actually able to make it into the office, and here I am again.

This past weekend was uneventful, thankfully.  Leo & I walked alot, avoiding areas with lots of salt and unpaved walkways (which severely limits how far we get since most of the sidewalks remain untouched).  He has been great during the crazy weather and I enjoyed spending all that extra time with him while I was off. 

Leo continues to jump in the snowbanks and eat as much snow as I allow when we head outside.  One lady even told him to "have a nice meal" when I told her he loves to eat the fluffy stuff.  :)  Leo also continues to help me bake.  We made mom's Magic Bars (aka Hello Dollies, for those of you who aren't familiar with my family's terminology - see below for the recipe) and Leo plopped himself right in the middle of the floor.  My kitchen is no bigger than most people's powder rooms, so you can imagine how much room I have to scoot around.  Leo ended up eating an enormous amount of graham crackers.  He's now a whopping 53 pounds (not only because of the graham cracker consumption, he just keeps growing!)!

MaryAnne's Magic Bars

1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
1 1/2 cups graham crackers, crushed - Honey Maid brand only (accept no imitations!)
1 cup chopped nuts - walnuts usually
1 cup chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, M & Ms, etc.
1 1/3 cups flaked coconut
1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)

-In 9"x13" baking dish, melt butter in oven as it preheats to 350 degrees
-When butter is melted, put crushed graham crackers in pan and pat down
 *(feed Leo extra crumbs that fall onto the counter)
-Add chopped nuts, chocolate chips & whatever else you'd like, pat down
-Pour sweetened condensed milk over ingredients, covering the whole pan
-Add flaked coconut
-Place in oven for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown

On our Sunday morning Valentines Day Walk, Leo and I met a couple who said they have a basset named Linus.  Supposedly, Leo looked like Linus' identical, but smaller, twin.  Guess how much Linus weighs?  80 pounds!  Yikes.  And Leo's only 8 months old.  I'm definitely in trouble!

On our evening Valentines Day walk, Leo and I came across a man with 9, yes, that's right, 9 dogs.  It was like straight out of a movie and I was super impressed at his ability to control each of them, while I have my hands full with one.  (Turns out only 3 were his, the other 6 he was sitting for).  I wish I had taken a picture, it was pretty amazing.  Yes, I was totally jealous. 

I have not returned to gymnastics.  My arm is feeling great, but my dad told me to try again when I'm "more in shape."  :)  Jeez, thanks.  And that I will.  For now, I'm anticipating doing some 5Ks in the area to get back on track.  No, Leo won't be joining me.  He's mellowing out and I think he'd be too much of a distraction for fellow runners.  Additionally, he has a tough time just walking in a straight line - I can't really imagine him running in a straight line.  I shudder at the thought of Leo causing many-a runner to fall and break something due to his clumsiness.  :) 

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your continued support. 

To make an online donation, please visit:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowmageddon 2010 - We're Alive!

Before I begin my Snowmageddon blog, I'd like to thank Uncle Ovide, Aunt Lucie & Uncle John, and Pat for their generous donations.  I'm so extremely thankful to you all for your support... I'm at 40% of my $1800 goal and the amount keeps growing!!


Remember on Friday when I said I'd be snowed in for the weekend?  Well.  I was.  Turns out when I moved down here, the WNY weather decided to follow.  Unfortunately, the WNY snowplows, salt trucks and DOT workers didn't.  I haven't been to work since Friday afternoon and we're expecting more snow tonight through tomorrow.  (I really do have a job here, I swear!)

Pardon the short blog, I just wanted to let everyone know that we're all okay down here!  Avon Walk training has taken a backseat to other activities (excessive amounts of TV watching, pee clean-up, sudoku puzzles, baking, following Leo around with a camera, reorganizing closets, etc...)

I've also been nursing my arm - an MD diagnosed case of tendinitis.  I've been loading up on Aleve but the pressure, pain and tingling hasn't gotten better.  I've never had tendinitis before, but the supposed culprit - you guessed it - GYMNASTICS!  While I really want to go back, it looks like my days on the cushioned floor and uneven bars are over - for now.  Maybe I'll give it another go-round over the summer.

So, when I'm not doing these mundane things, I've been crossing the street into Pentagon Row.  Thank goodness for the presence of a Starbucks, home of the most expensive and disgusting coffee in the world - at least it's given me a way to get out and be with fellow humans!  (& I love tea, so it's still a win-win.)

Check out some pictures from my last 4 days at home... 

The line at Harris Teeter (the VA version of Tops) on Friday 2/5, a little after noon.  I stood in line for 30 minutes.  Care to know what I stocked up on?  Bagels, waffles, cheez-its (the party mix), milk, and frozen pizza.  Of course when the power went out on Saturday, much of my goods went right up to the rooftop to stay cool!
Leo in the snow on Saturday, 2/6.  

  Leo spent our time in the snow running up and down a hill at the back of the apartment.  I think his tunneling instincts kicked in.  :)

This is a night shot of the Pentagon Row Ice-Rink.  

The first of many shots of Leo I took while stuck in the apartment.  I think he enjoys modeling.  This is his Are you talking to me? face.

Act natural, Leo!

This is the Adorably Confused look.  I think he's perfected it.

For those of you who actually had to go to work this week, tomorrow is Wednesday, so only a few days left!  And, well, I can only take hearing Cupid by Sam Cooke for so long so I'm heading back home!  Will I return to work tomorrow?  Who knows... check back to find out!

Don't forget to make an online donation!  Visit


Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Morning in the Life of America's Favorite Basset Hound - by Leo

Since my Mom is super busy with training for the Avon Walk (I've been temporarily excused from my duties because I get salt stuck in my paws), she wanted me to tell all of the blog readers what a typical morning is like for me, your favorite basset hound.  Read on to find out what my mornings are like!

Put Yourself in His Paws
A Morning in the Life of America's Favorite Basset Hound 
composed by Leo, typed by Mom

Between 5:30-6:30am -

  • At these early hours of the morning, it's long-awaited potty time.  To stir Mom, I stand up and start scratching my paws all over the place.  Sometimes I pick up my bone and thrash it against the sides of the crate.  This gets her moving.
Somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30am -

  • When Mom gets up (yay!) she usually looks at me and says, "Hi, Bubba."  (I think that's her nickname for me because I remind her of the mildly slow but sweet character from the movie Forrest Gump.)  
Still somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30am  -

  • Mom opens my crate door and sometimes I still feel groggy.  It takes me a minute to get out and then I scretch for a real long time.  Mom struggles to put my leash on because it's usually dark and I'm so glad I get to tinkle I can hardly contain my excitement!  

  • When we walk to the elevator, I sometimes have a hard time slowing down.  I have been really good about sitting and waiting outside of and in the elevator until I get outside, but once in awhile I still pee in the hallway and a little comes out in the elevator.  Oops.  When this happens, Mom has to go to the basement and get a newspaper to clean up the mess.  One time an older lady was so angry that I peed in the elevator that she wouldn't get in for the ride.  I don't know why.  Everyone pees. 

  • Outside, I pull hard until I get to my potty spot.  I sometimes find snacks in the grass and I like to try a little bit of everything.  That's proper manners, right?   
6:30 - 7:30am -

  • When we get back upstairs I know it's almost time for breakfast.  Lately, Mom has been letting me roam while she is in the shower.  Before, she used to put me in my crate and I didn't like this.  I'm older now, though. 

  • I love water and I am pretty sneaky.  Sometimes I poke my head in the shower and drink as much water as I can.  This means my whole head gets wet and sometimes Mom yells.  I don't know why.  It's very important to remain hydrated.

  • When I'm not sneaking water, I sometimes sneak cat food and drink all of the cat's water from their flowing fountain.  It's very tempting when nobody is watching.  When I get caught, though, I get "the Look."

  • I also like to sneak up on the cats while they rest.  They hit me in the face alot with their paws and their nails scratch me and I bleed.  They make terrifying noises that I've never heard anywhere else!  I'm pretty sure they like me.
  Between 7-7:30am -

  • I am very good about sitting and waiting for my breakfast.  I help Mom get it by sitting in the middle of the kitchen, almost right at her feet.  Usually she will say, "Do you have to sit right there?"  Of course, I do!  It's my job as your assistant!  That way, when she falls over she can land on me for cushion! 

  • I drink my water first and I usually do this as fast as I can.  I am timing myself to see how much I can drink in the shortest amount of time. 

  • When I'm done eating, I help Mom make her lunch for work.  For this, I sit directly in front of the refrigerator.  Sometimes when Mom opens the door she hits me in the face with it.  I know she doesn't mean it and so it's okay.  I like to help.
Between 7:30-8:00am -

  • Mom has to put make up on.  She has a mirror in the bedroom and she sits on the floor.  She has lots of brushes and little tubey things that I sometimes take.  I get yelled at for this, but I can't help it.  She usually tells me, "Those are expensive!"  That word must mean they are tasty and fun to chew, which they most certainly are!

  • When Mom is done we get to go outside one more time.  Sometimes I am ready before she is and so I go to the door and ring the bells.  I love those bells.  Sometimes I ring them just because I like the sound of bells.  I think Mom likes the sound, too, even though she seems to get angry that I ring them so much.  If she didn't, why would she make me use them?!
Between 7:45-8:15am -

  • Once we are done going potty and eating outside snacks, I know this means I have to go back in my crate.  While I am sad, I am also tired after the morning's activities. 

  • Mom puts on the radio for me.  She also gives me some toys to play with in my crate.  Some of my toys I can't play with because I ripped them open and I eat the stuffing.  She thinks it's not "safe" or something. 

  • I don't bark when Mom leaves anymore.  I used to, but now I know she always comes home, to me, at the end of every day. 
Don't forget to make an online donation to help Mom raise money to walk in May!