Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3 Days...

Well, the fact that you're reading this blog means that you're still supporting me in my quest to do the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer.  With your help, I raised over $1800 dollars (I'm at $1840) and I am beyond thrilled to be able to participate in this event. 

I've continued walking around Arlington (even walked home from work a few times) and am anxious to begin bright and early on Saturday morning.  Leo has been a trooper, ready to go on a walk at a moment's notice and I've been lucky to have him as protection on the streets (yeah, right!).  His basset hound nose suddenly started working (it's about time!) and he continues to search for snacks and other snack-like substances he can munch on while we stroll.  Yesterday morning he found a delightful hamburger bun behind a tall patch of grass.  That was his appetizer, I suppose, because later on he enjoyed some mulch, which he then proceeded to wash down with some tasty pebbles.  (Yum?)

Unfortunately Leo can't participate in the Walk, but he'll be cheering me on internally as I know many of you will be!  Below, you will see him wearing his "Luck of the Irish" hat that he wore on St. Patrick's Day weekend.  He'll probably have to wear it again to send some more luck to the AVON Walk participants! 
  • (By the way, if you are in the DC area, you can email me and I can provide you with a list of cheering spots along the route!)


I am anticipating some pretty intense and overwhelming feelings this weekend.  Just thinking about the event fills me with emotion.  As I mentioned in an earlier email, on May 2nd, 2005, I lost my Godmother, Aunt Pat, to this disease.  I know that she will be with me the whole way and guiding me towards the finish.  I am walking for her, for my Aunt Yo, for my friend's father and for the countless others who have been affected by this disease.  Here's to hoping the money raised this time around finds the cure.

Thank you for supporting me.